Latest Upgrades

What's new in AKTS-SML

Version 6.2

New feature


  • 67 - New In-silico estimation procedures for calculating the diffusion coefficients, and new Polarity scale estimation procedure for calculating the partition coefficients. These procedures are based on the article "Probabilistic migration modeling focused on functional barrier efficiency and low migration concepts in support of risk assessment" by Dr. Rainer Brandsch, DOI:(;
  • 238 - New capability of calculating a subsequent set-off, i.e. when the package undergoes a set-off and then is modified by additional layers before undergoing a second set-off.;
  • 182 - Default values when creating an article have been removed in order to calculate predictions which are closer to reality;
  • 272 - Easy copy of any substance to the user database for modification.


  • 247 - The Log Pow value has been added to the layer;
  • 195 - The default values in the fitting module have been modified to facilitate the fitting calculation;
  • 278 - The density values are set by default for the main simulants when the layer is a contact medium;
  • 137 - Improvement when saving a package in order to avoid closing the software without saving the latest changes in the package;
  • 257 - Units have been added in the grid when loading a substance from the database;
  • 262 - The database window ergonomics has been improved;
  • U273 - The quality of the output charts have been improved;
  • 201 - Various ergonomic improvements.


  • 174 - The choice of the method for calculating the diffusion coefficient was wrong after reloading a file;
  • 176 - Problem with the Worldwide prediction;
  • 212 - Bug in the fitting module when clicking the 'Refresh' button;
  • 215 - The software version has been added in the compliance report;
  • 234 - In the compliance report, the unit of the concentrations was missing;
  • 235 - Bug if one tries to add 0 migrant. The default value when adding a migrant or a layer is now 1 instead of 0;
  • 243 - A bug could occur when closing an article after a set-off and prediction;
  • 244 - Bug when printing the compliance report;
  • 246 - Completed missing Chinese translations;
  • 253 - Bug in rare cases when applying a set-off;
  • 260 - In some rare cases the 'Close All' button was not working;
  • 264 - Better management when pressing 'Cancel' in the database window;
  • 274 - On the output charts, the button to hide the legends was not working properly;
  • 283 - Bug when generating the compliance report;
  • 289 - An error would occur when selecting some specific migrants from the database.



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